Cybersecurity awareness education continues to soar as competition rises among SMBs to be leaders when it comes to protecting their business in today’s digital world. Analyzing the current infrastructure and key protocols are a must for business owners, CTO’s and decision-makers. In orders to create a culture of cybersecurity awareness, we’re sharing four vital questions every CEO ought to ask their executive team and employees when discussing their workplace cybersecurity.
#1 How educated is your executive team about the current level and business impact of cyber risks to your company?
In order to survive a cyber emergency and minimize the damage after an attack, your C-level executives must have a clear and strategic communication pathway for the risk management team. Plans should be in place for response times bases on high-risk training scenarios and contingency plans. 24/7 access to a knowledgeable and friendly IT staff that can help your company run smoothly is vital!
#2 How do you identify the current level and business impact of cyber risks to you company?
Conducting a risk assessment will identify which of your business assets would be adversely affected by a cyber attack, as well as how to prioritize and allocate resources judiciously for protective measures. Creating a list of likely suspects such as social engineering, employee awareness and phishing emails will help shed clarity. Think of this assessment as being similar to understanding your company’s risk exposure -whether financial, competitive, regulatory or reputational.
#3 In a typical week, how many and what type of cyber incidents does your CTO contend with?
Robust metrics will identify the trends within your security risks. Regular communication with the risk management team increases cybersecurity awareness and provides insight as to what protocols needs to be put into place. Computers Nationwide is the leading edge of professional IT managed service providers. Our experienced and highly trained team will alert you to potential issues – and help prevent or resolve them quickly!
#4 Is your current cyber incident response plan comprehensive and tested?
A comprehensive action plan will include the tools and resources necessary for business owners, management, public relations team & employees to navigate an unpleasant situation, such as becoming a victim of hackers. When leaders are able to coordinate a disaster response plan across the organization, this is sure to keep the business’ data safe and create a cyber security awareness culture company-wide. Clear guidelines will ensure that in an emergency, the response is quick and effective! Imagine keeping your business safe and secure during a cyber-attack…or even preventing them from occurring all together?